Mattifying Moisturizing Emulsion

19,50 50ml

It is a lightweight cream, which according to its active ingredients, effectively regulate sebum secretion, mattifying, moisturizing and assuring a full care of oily skin problems.


Additional Info

Associated active ingredients:
Sebaryl® regulates sebum secretion, is a natural astringent, has mattifying effect, it improves the structure and comfort of oily skin and has anti-irritant effect.
Titanium Dioxide absorbs excess sebum and the mattifying effect is accentuated.
Aquaxyl is an exceptional moisturizing ingredient, the skin is optimally hydrated and the physiological process of scaling is normalized to improve skin’s micro-relief and reduce fine lines.
Soothex has soothing effect, reducing skin redness.
Use: Apply in the morning and in the evening on the cleansed skin.


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